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Hard-working, good-natured, and kind, Flo is the hero of DinerTown! She's always willing to help out and right what's wrong.
Reading her Grandma's book, "Around the World for 80 Years"

Long-time chef and friend of Flo. Owns The Greasy Spoon. He can get panicky and freaked out. But he means well!
Cooking, Cookbooks, Cookery
Reading superhero comic books (especially "The Silver Spatula" and "Iron Pan")
Burnt food
Cooking mishaps
Those number grids that Flo keeps looking at on her computer

The always-cheery granddaughter of Norbert, Rosie is a great school teacher and loyal regular at the Greasy Spoon!
A good joke
Her students
Grumpy people
Papercuts from grading infinite papers

One of Flo's closest friends, Barb was a stock broker with Flo a long time ago, and is now running various financial service businesses and is a real estate investor.
Speed Reading, Speed Dating, Speed (the movie)
Errol Flynn action films, the movie Hook
Low battery on her cellphone
Boring, dreamless, pedestrian men

Norbert is Rosie's grandpa and the town historian. He’s saddened by DinerTown’s downward spiral but knows Flo can make a difference!
Cheese! Specifically, Double Gloucester! And non-runny Stilton. Ooh, and Sage Derby.
Old history books
Intentionally putting on two different kinds of socks
1930s Science Fiction
Accidentally putting on two different kinds of socks
Anti-bowtie laws

Norbert's identical twin brother and die-hard jokester, Dorbert is a former traveling salesman of joke encyclopedias (Encyclopedia Bertanica).
Hand Buzzers, Whoopee Cushions
Gnome collecting
Givin' people the business
The sound of one hand clapping
People without a dang sense of humor

Max's younger sister and competitive food-eating champion. She is highly energetic and frenetic, with a super quick metabolism.
Trying out new foods
Full-contact Astronomy
Speedwalking in DinerTown
Small Talk
Slow-moving people

Smart, hard-working mother of Queenie, Gladys decided to buy the hotel to renovate. She hopes the renovation for the hotel will make DinerTown the next hot tourist attraction.
Watching the TV Show: Cooking DASH
Centrally-located elevators
Polishing her Flo memorabilia
Unorganized hotel rooms
Mushy foods - it's a texture thing
Taxidermy - don't ask.

Daughter of Gladys, Queenie is the social media queen of DinerTown. She's always down for a good selfie with friends and family. Can get REALLY overexcited.
Her pet, #Princess
Selfiegram, where she posts all of her latest pics #QueenieRox
Her like, totally rad boyfriend, Kingston #LuvHim4Ever
Spam calls on her cellphone. I think, like, they are all from Oklahoma.
Oh mah gah, Plums, #ew.
Rude hotel patrons, like really?

Aspiring musician and local dj, Kingston loves listening to new music from around the world.
Wicked beats
Smooth grooves
Queenie my girl, my world
Ghost stories
Incompetent roadies
My boys pickin' on me for bein' all lovey dovey

Princess is Queenie's and Kingston's adorable, beloved pet. Super-pampered, she lives up to her name.
Treadmill Workouts
People touching her "cute, widdle hooves"
Staying still for one dadblamed minute

Mr. Big is the CEO of Big Corp and Flo’s arch-nemesis. He is vain, evil, narcissistic profit-seeker. He never tires in his quest to take over DinerTown.
Turning profits
Chastising his employees which he lovingly calls "Goons"
Brainstorming Evil Operations like OPERATION: BRAINSTORM EVIL OPERATIONS
Flo and her stupid tendency to save the stupid day. Hmph.
When OPERATION: EVIL PLAN doesn't operate evilly, according to plan.

Clueless, nice animal lover that was hard up for a job, and accidentally wound up working for BigCorp. As one of Mr. Big’s goons, he tries his best to execute Mr. Big’s diabolical plans. Luckily, that in no way leads to success.
Beatrix being mean
Mr. Big being mean
Mrs. Stinkerbelle's litter box

This skunk has stolen the heart of Flip, who carries her around on his shoulders. Their love transcends all common scents. They odor each other.
Digging holes
Her perfume, Eww de Toilette
White-striped black cats
Doing gigs for evil folk
Daylight -- under these stripes, she has delicate skin

Beatrix began her evil career designing evil fashion for evil people. After "The Shoulder Pad Debacle", she decided to work for Big Corp., a place that allowed her to thrive and really spread her evil wings.
Cutting in line
Neutral toned makeup. The brighter the eyeshadow, the better.
Morons that rhyme with "blip"

Max is a totally rad dude, the awesome lifeguard in DinerTown, and Minnie's super cool older brother. (So he says.) An aspiring astrophysicist until his surfing accident.
Arm day every day
Eating some tasty treats
Surfing, or posing like I'm surfing
Bogus dudes
Water deeper than wading
Not flexing

Gil is Barb's husband and dreams of owning a restaurant by the beach. He enjoys fishing and loves pirates and pirate lore.
Smell of sea water
Fish & Chips
BARRRRRRRRRB. (but no, seriously, he likes his wife, Barb)
Most land-lubbers
Doing dishes
Lazy eye

Flo's grandma, Grandma Florence has been gone for a while. She recently returned to DinerTown. She is an adventure-seeker, world-traveler, entrepreneur, and restaurateur. Always looking for excitement.
Combining Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Julienne techiques
Skydiving on a four-wheeler
Skinny-dipping with black caiman and red-bellied piranha in the Amazon
Boring people
Having a heart rate under 100
Most electric eels

Grandma's gentleman friend that she met on vacation. Devilishly handsome, he seems like he has something up his sleeve.
How Devon looks
How Devon talks
His secret admirer...okay, it’s just Devon again
People who draw attention away from him
Un-coiffed hair
Grifting for meals in Monaco

Long-haul Trucker. Occasional carnival worker. Caffeine addict. Trademark hat. Has driven to and from DinerTown countless times.
Good, Okay, or Bad Coffee
Coffee Cakes
His 1994 Trucker's Jubilee Megamug
Espresso (what am I, some kinda junkie?)
Shady Carnies
Brussel sprouts

Chef and Owner of Le Gordon Bleu chef institute, former competitive eater. Coach of the up-and-coming eater, Minnie.
Eating bibs
The 1959 Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia
Child's portions